Revision Guides
Past exam papers and sets of 4 past papers, both with marking schemes (other than Level 5), for use by schools etc. for mock exams and for use by students at home are available for purchase. The order forms are available on the Order Form: Past Papers page.
To download the free Revision Guides for all Levels click on the links below:
Level 1: The Board; the Pieces and their values; Check, Checkmate and Stalemate; Castling; Illegal moves.
Level 2: Notation; Annotation symbols; Checking and Checkmating; Sacrifices; Stalemate; Forks, Pins and Skewers; Doubling Up; the 7th Rank; Overloading; Opening Principles; Attacking and Defending Pieces; Tournament Chess.
Level 3: From this point, topics are covered in much greater detail. Basic Endgame concepts; Combinations; Tactical ideas; some e4 and d4 Opening theory; more on Attacking and Defending.
Level 4: Advanced Endgame concepts; more Tactics; Positional concepts; more Opening theory.
Level 5: Advanced Opening and Middlegame themes; Advanced Endgame theory involving Combinations of Pieces; Psychology.